
Bitcoin has become the talk of tech circles everywhere. However, just like there are different currencies in the real world, there are different cryptocurrencies in the digital world. This site aims to provide a fair comparison of these cryptocurrencies while educating visitors like you of the differences between each currency.


Each cryptocurrency uses one of two cryptographical algorithms: SHA-256 or scrypt. For example, Bitcoin uses SHA-256 while Litecoin uses scrypt. Litecoin went with scrypt, a more memory-intensive algorithm, in an attempt to reduce the efficiency of GPU-based mining, which dominated Bitcoin mining at the time of Litecoin's release. This assumption did not hold true; GPU-mining is currently the dominant mining method in Litecoin and other scrypt-based cryptocurrencies.

NameTagAlgorithmProof of WorkProof of StakeCoins per blockMaximum number of coinsSynopsis
Android TokenADTscrypt1e-7524,288

Based off of Infinitecoin. One of the fastest if not the fastest confirm rate coin out there.


First currency to be based upon an Internet meme.


Based on Litecoin.


Only 42 coins will be created. 42 second block creation time.


The second most popular cryptocurrency, behind Bitcoin.


BitShares PTS is a class of crypto-currency that let you capture a position in one or more cool new DACs (Distributed Autonomous Communities) before they are ever implemented. The speculative value of PTS is a subjective mix of three market perception pillars. These pillars are the market’s assessment of:

  • The speculative value of a future DAC share.
  • The probability that the DAC can and will be successfully fielded.
  • Confidence that the PTS will map to an equitable share in the implementation.

summed across all DACs that announce there intention to honor PTS holders with shares when launched.


The first cryptocurrency to implement a combined Proof of Work/Proof of Stake system. Note that for each 16x increase in the hashrate of the network, the block reward is halved.


TagCoin was created as a currency to be used with a service called TagBond, which aims to promote the use of cryptocurrencies as currencies instead of commodities. "Approximately 300 blocks have been premined for the purposes of giveaway and promotion..."
